Celestial Solutions was founded and is run by Celeste McMickle. Celeste has been working in the sustainability industry for more than twelve years. She received her B. Arch from Syracuse University and her Masters in Green Building from the San Francisco Institute of Architecture. She is a certified permaculture designer, master composter, TRUE Advisor, Green Rater, LEED-H AP, and horticulturalist. Celeste uses her mixed background of architecture, energy efficiency and green building, zero waste and recycling, and permaculture, composting and horticulture, to make a positive impact on the environment wherever possible. She is passionate about community engagement, travel, and her sweet 12-year old poodle.
Celeste has been using her passion for sustainability to make a difference for as long as she can remember. She has worked as a sustainability and outreach consultant at some of the top companies in the industry including the Earth Advantage Institute, Steven Winter Associates, and Willdan Energy Solutions. She has worked with the New York City Bureau of Recycling and Sustainability on their 0x30 zero waste goals, and the New York City Compost Project as an educator and outreach member. She has also worked with organizations such as Foodprint Group to conduct waste audits, and taught classes and workshops at the the Brooklyn Grange and Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Celeste has been published in Resource Recycling magazine for her article on the role of community involvement in recycling diversion programs and building certifications and was a selected presenter at the US Composting Council 2019 Conference. Her projects have received national and international recognition for green building and sustainability goals.
my goal
Celestial Solutions wants to help your project achieve its sustainability goals in the simplest and most effective possible way. Whether it is green building services, zero waste analysis, education and outreach, project management, or benchmarking, Celestial Solutions will work to bring you a holistic solution that will be tailored to your needs and supportive of the surrounding environment.