The Brooklyn SWAB has put together a great presentation for the public to discuss food waste options and challenges in NYC.
Circular economy week was a fantastic intersection of designers, planners, and innovaters sharing their methodologies and goals for restructuring our economy from linear to circular!
A recent plastic bag ban was passed in New York State. In addition, New York City will charge a 5c fee per paper bag distributed. These steps towards a zero waste city will greatly contribute to NYC’s 0x30 waste reduction plan.
Celeste, founder of Celestial Solutions spoke at the US Composting Councils 2019 Conference in Phoenix Arizona. Hear the presentations via the recorded audio and enjoy! The conference was a great success and we were happy to be a part of it!
Celeste is going to be speaking at GreenHome NYC Green Catwalk event on Wednesday 1/17/18
My article, Power in the People, was recently featured in Resource Recycling magazine. Check it out here!