The Tech Spectrum of Food Waste
by The Clean Web and AgTech X
Monday, September 24th, 2018
Food Waste has been identified as one of the most crucial environmental & social challenges of this century. According to Project Drawdown, "the food we waste is responsible for roughly 8 percent of global emissions." The USDA estimates that in the US alone, we toss out more than $160 billion in food every year. The department recently set the first-ever national food loss and waste goal, calling for a reduction of 50% by 2030.
But rapid innovation is needed if we are to make a dent in the status quo and reach such an ambitious target. In partnership with The CleanWeb NYC, this speaker series and panel discussion will explore these innovations within the world of food waste.
Recognizing that innovative business models can fall all along the technology spectrum, we want to know:
How are businesses in this space innovating to create models that can sustain their efforts?
How have these organizations adapted their strategies based on prior shortcomings?
What fundraising challenges and/or solutions have presented themselves?
How much of a focus is being put on scalability and replicability?
Confirmed speakers include:
Celeste McMickle, Founder, Celestial Solutions
Sashti Balasundaram, Founder, WeRadiate
Robert Lee, Founder, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine
Amanda Weeks, Founder, Industrial/Organic
Sabine Valenga, Co-Founder, Food For All